Let Me Cry For You

Alejandro Aguilar Canela
Illustration Practice MFA ’23

Alejandro Aguilar Canela is a mexican artist born in 1990. As an illustrator, animator and graphic designer he tries to combine practicality in an emotional arena. Always looking for deep, hurtful sentimentality in his work, that ends in hopefulness as a way to understand and relieve the mind.

Project Overview

We know there’s an intrinsic connection between two separate beings or objects of the same nature. Human brain waves and heartbeats can synchronize with each other when they’re in close proximity, and something similar happens when two metronomes are put together. 

This piece tries to play with the line between human and object interaction, in a way that the relationship between both feels like a two way emotional exchange.

To get a reaction, it’s important to truly engage with the object, so there is the need to reach for both hands at the same time.


Let Me Cry For You began as an idea of how a human can connect with another one. From that began the questioning of how relationships work between two beings or objects, in an unilateral, bilateral, or multilateral way. How, after connection has been established, both parts interact, do they imitate each other? Can they be a relief to each other? Can an object reach a deeper level of understanding by imitating? From this, a sculpture began to take shape.


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